4 Essential Tiny House Plumbing Tips

When you’re finally at the point when you’re building your tiny house, one of the most daunting steps is how to deal with tiny house plumbing. It’s the step which most people put off until the very end, as tiny house builders tend to believe the whole process will be scarily complex and costly. However, once you explore your tiny house plumbing options. you’ll quickly realize that the reality is much less scary than the fiction. Plumbing for your tiny house can be quick, cheap and flexible. Here’s four top tips for your tiny house plumbing.

Know Your Water Supply

Your tiny house water supply is a vital consideration. While you’re likely to be on the move with your tiny house, there’s no point going anywhere if there’s no water source. Your easiest and most widely-available option for plumbing it to hook up to a communal water source, which can easily be accessed in most campsites and small settlements. You’ll still need to install a tiny house water system, complete with the full plumbing works. But once this is done, you’ll be able to access water from various external sources via an RV hose. Just be aware that you’ll probably have to pay a small fee for access in most places, but this is likely to be less than a water bill in a conventional home.

Tiny House Plumbing Tools

When installing your tiny house plumbing, you’ll need to know what equipment you need. While your shopping list will vary depending on what plumbing option you eventually go for, there’s a few absolute essentials. When choosing your material for the pipes, CVPC tends to be the best option, as it doesn’t degrade in the same way that conventional copper pipes do. You’ll need enough piping to cover the whole structure, and a drainage pipe connected to an external waste repository is an absolute must.

Get a Tank

A tiny house water tank will come to be seen as a lifesaver. You can install a tank which you can fill up with enough water to last a few days, and connect your plumbing network to it relatively easily, so that your tiny home feels like any other home. The recommended size for a tiny house water tank is around 42 gallons, which only takes a few minutes to fill but can easily last a couple of people 4 days. Make sure your tank is completely watertight (i.e. don’t buy a secondhand tank) and clean it regularly before refilling.

No Plumbing is Also an Option

If the whole idea of tiny house plumbing seems too daunting to contemplate, you can always do without. Simply filling plenty of containers with water and placing them around your tiny home where need is by far the most economical option, although you might miss that water pressure!

What Are the Important Considerations for Plumbing in a Tiny Home?

When it comes to plumbing in a tiny home, there are several essential considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, it is crucial to plan the layout efficiently to maximize space utilization. Additionally, choosing eco-friendly fixtures and ensuring water conservation can greatly contribute to sustain a steps for tiny home lifestyle. Adequate insulation and preventing freezing pipes during winter are equally important. Lastly, regular maintenance and having a backup plan for plumbing emergencies are vital to avoid any inconvenience in your tiny home living.

Get in Touch

If you have any insider tips for your fellow tiny house enthusiasts, from tiny house plumbing to everything else, then send us an email and let us know.
